Testosterone Deficiency: An Overview

Testosterone deficiency, also known as hypogonadism or low testosterone, refers to a lack of adequate testosterone production in the body. Some key points about testosterone deficiency include:

  • Symptoms - Low libido, erectile dysfunction, low energy levels, mood changes, reduced muscle mass and bone density, increased body fat, hot flashes, and more.
  • Causes - Normal aging, injury/infection to testes, genetic conditions, autoimmune disorders, chronic illnesses, hypothalamic/pituitary gland issues, unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Diagnosis - Physical exam, blood tests to check total and free testosterone levels, testing of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), etc.
  • Treatment - Testosterone replacement therapy via gels/patches, injections, pellets or oral medications to reach normal levels; treatment of underlying conditions if present. Lifestyle changes like exercise, diet, sleep and stress management.

This article aims to provide an informative overview of testosterone deficiency. For more information or to seek professional medical advice, please consult with a qualified healthcare provider at the Balance Health Clinic.

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